Dorset Garden Rooms

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Garden Studio in Hythe, Southampton

For this project we were asked to create a studio, to incorporate a space to relax, along with a room for guests to stay.

Showing the area before installation.

A full Concrete Slab was installed to take the new Garden Building.

Main Structure built, ready for cladding.

Our Tyvek Housewrap Membrane ensures that no moisture enters the building.

Cedar Cladding installed, French Doors and Decking Frame underway.

Showing the building at night, the Led Spotlights illuminate the cedar and decking area.

We have used a Charcoal Composite Deck board for this project.

Iroko Skirtings and Architraves were made specially for a different look. A deep Iroko Window Cill was also installed.

Oak Doors pair well with the hardwood finishes.

It was important for our client to have the garden room decking area finished with balustrading to keep their dogs secure.